Haven Moore has always lived in the town of Snope City, Tennessee. But for as long as she can remember, Haven has experienced visions of a past life as a girl named Constance, whose love for a boy called Ethan ended in fiery tragedy.
One day, the sight of notorious playboy Iain Morrow on television brings Haven to her knees. Haven flees to New York City to find Iain and there, she is swept up in an epic love affair that feels both deeply fated and terribly dangerous. Is Iain her beloved Ethan? Or is he her murderer from a past life? Haven asks the members of the powerful and mysterious Ouroboros Society to help her unlock the mysteries of reincarnation and discover the secrets hidden in her past lives, and loves, before all is lost and the cycle begins again. But what is the Ouroboros Society? And how can Haven know whom to trust?
My Thoughts: First of all, there will be no spoilers in this review. I realize I'm probably spoiling the books for you guys in my reviews, so I'm going to try not to anymore! Oh and I know this review is a bit late, but it took me awhile longer to finish this novel. Now onto the review :)
I did not enjoy this novel as much as I thought I would. Don't get me wrong! I'm sure a lot of people found it a fantastic read, but it just wasn't for me. First of all, I found Haven to be quite stupid. I'm sorry, but come on!! I'm just going to say this: She should have followed her heart. Her lack of trust in Lain was stupid... Even if I was in her situation, there were still solid facts that proved his innocence. Ugh. And Lain was a pretty typical character. He did lie to Haven to make her think otherwise BUT he what he did was to protect Haven. Oops... that's not really a spoiler right? I'm not giving too much away! Well anyways I actually liked Lain's character. But it wasn't the characters that made me dislike this novel.
Okay so I'm the type of girl who enjoys a happy ending and not a lot of drama. There was WAY too much drama in this novel. Too much going on, and I hated it. I hate how clueless the characters were, and I hate the fact that it wasn't completely a happy ending. I mean it was, but it wasn't. If you've read it then you might understand what I mean. Anyways, I almost couldn't finish the novel. It was starting to really piss me off. But there was one character that kept me going: Beau. Every scene that Beau was in, I couldn't help but laugh! He's hilarious :) I'm glad he came back into the novel towards the end! Otherwise I would not have been happy at all. But still! I wanted to go to sleep in a good mood dreaming of my own happy ending, but instead I couldn't sleep because I couldn't stop thinking about the stupid characters or the stupid drama. Like I said, I like perfect endings. I know, I'm a hopeless romantic =)
I finally finished the novel thinking it would at least have been a perfect ending, but no. Almost, but not quite. Here is what I rated the novel, oh and I changed the rating again :) Ha ha its easier this way:
Mini Review: If You Can Hear This
2 hours ago